Seeking God When Life Is Hard

A New Way to Think About Life's Unexpected Storms

A New Way to Think About Life's Unexpected Storms

I sat down to read in my daily devotional, Streams in the Desert, and I couldn’t get past the last line: “The fruitful life seeks rain as well as sunshine.”

I had to read that again. Seeks rain?! As in, looks for it? Wants it? Puts itself in a position to be rained upon?

It makes sense, and of course I’ve heard adages about flowers and plants needing rain as well as sunshine, but seeking rain? That’s what got me.

To the Christian Who Feels "Behind" in Life

To the Christian Who Feels "Behind" in Life

From time to time, I’ll catch myself feeling “behind” everyone else in almost every area of life.

For example, as an adult, I’ve often found myself thinking, “I should be at such-and-such place in my life. Why am I always behind? I’ve got to catch up with everyone else…”

When I get caught in this thought pattern, I feel behind, I feel late, I feel like I’ve wasted or lost time and there’s no way to get it back.

Don’t we all feel like that sometimes?

There Is So Much to Look Forward to

There Is So Much to Look Forward to

It made me think, “When was the last time I looked forward to something, and actually enjoyed looking forward to it?”

When was the last time I enjoyed waiting for something, even if it’s just waiting a few minutes for something small but yet something I find joy in?

I can say I definitely don’t wait for the bigger things like that - all peaceful and expectant, sitting on a bench with my hands folded in my lap and a smile on my face.

5 Books for Hard Seasons

5 Books for Hard Seasons

Each of us faces hard seasons when our faith is being strengthened like never before, and while the Bible should be our primary source of comfort and encouragement, reading books that nourish our faith and understanding of difficult seasons is also helpful.

Here are some books that have encouraged my faith during some challenging seasons in my life.